Wednesday, January 4, 2012


4:23 PM Jeff: i do miss driving with you
  it was easily the highlight of the day
4:25 PM me: lol
  yeah it hasn't gotten any better
4:26 PM Jeff: my anger towards the common driver has increased in volumes
4:27 PM me: that garbage story is goddamn hilarious
  i'm reminded of the many times motorists have come after me
 Jeff: i only wish it wern't true
4:28 PM me: wtf was bootsy collins throwing trash off the tobin
 Jeff: i passed a Ford Explorer on the outside of a short sweeping offramp of storrow dr this morning
4:29 PM very risque
  i have no clue dood
  all i know is he was completely offended that i called him on it
4:30 PM like it was his god given immigrant right to pollute our river

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